Monday, January 13, 2014

An Ethical Dilemma

You are the personnel manager of AllCure Pharmaceuticals. It’s a busy time and the guys in the product approval department have called you up because they desperately need to hire a new team member to assist them with the clinical tests of what could become the next blockbuster drug for the company. You get to work and within a week have actually managed to get three well-qualified applicants for the job. The interviews went well and there are two really good applicants. Both are women, recent college graduates, and you find it hard to decide among them.
The clinical trials that the new hire will work on are very important. They require a very reliable, meticulous work attitude, but also good social skills to manage the different relations between the clinics, the approving authorities, and various departments in the company. A colleague suggests you check the two finalists out on MySpace, Facebook, or any other social networking site. Later at home, you go in you see a very sociable, obviously well-traveled individual. The other candidate is a bit more difficult to locate. This is too bad, as she already has some work experience and is the slightly better candidate of the two. Her details are only available to friends, but browsing through her list of some 400 friends, you find that one of you current interns is actually on her list. Next morning you ask you r intern, who it turns out briefly met this second candidate on a course they took together at college years ago, whether you could have a look at the Facebook page of the second candidate. Doing so, you make some interesting discoveries: not only do you find a number of photos of her at parties with precious few clothes on, but there are even two pictures where she enjoys what undoubtedly looks like a line of cocaine.
You thank your intern for her help and walk back to your office wondering what to do. You certainly do not want to hire someone who has this kind of reputation or where patients in trials or people from approving bodies say: ‘Heard about Dr. X? You really have to see these pictures……’

Question 1:
What are the main ethical issues in this case?
Question 2:
What are the main ethical arguments for and against the use of social network sites for potential employers in this situation?
Question 3:
Think of how you use facebook or similar sites. Does this case influence the way you might use these sites in the future?
Question 4:
How would you finally decide as the personnel manager in this situation?

Executive summary:
The product approval department needs to hire a new team member to assist them with the clinical tests becoming the next blockbuster drug for the company. By using selection process they get find two good applicants for this job. But they need only one member to assist them. One applicant has good social networking skills and another has some work experience. Now as a personnel manager that he made a decision, who is the best between them?

Question 1:
What are the main ethical issues in this case?
The personnel manager select two really good applicants and they both are women and recent college graduates. They need to assist them with the clinical test for becoming next blockbuster drug for the company.
But there are two good candidates whose are able to do this job. Between them manager have to select a best candidate. One has good social skills and one has some work experience.
We know that before the interview they follow these steps-

Question 2:
What are the main ethical arguments for and against the use of social network sites for potential employers in this situation?
Informational privacy: Information privacy, or data privacy, is the relationship between collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, and the legal and political issues surrounding them.
Social privacy: Freedom to interact with other people and in whichever way we choose. For instance, some employers will threaten social privacy by suggesting that employees should not bring their firm into ‘disrepute’ by behaving in an ‘unacceptable’, ‘immoral’, or illegal way during their social lives.
There are some ethical arguments for use of social network sites for potential employers in this situation:
1. Use of social network sites helps to promote their product by potential employers.

2.  By using social network they can communicate with their clients.

3.  By using social network, can know employers activity and personal interest.

There are some ethical arguments against use of social network sites for potential employers in this situation:

1.  Employers become busy with social network such as- facebook, twitter, MySpace etc.

2.  Sometimes they have less work experiences.

3.  May be exposing their informational privacy.

4.  May be exposing employer social privacy.

Question 3:
Think of how you use facebook or similar sites. Does this case influence the way you might use these sites in the future?
Employee can use social networking site purpose of their company such as- they can create a facebook page about their product or promotional activities. They can also promote their product by giving advertisement in websites. Employee should know about social networking because it’s a way of inform about the company, product and themselves.
Yes this case influence use these sites in future. With working experience employee should know about social networking sites. Because-
  1. Employee can easily communicate worldwide people and they can provide about themselves or their product.
  2. Find them from anywhere anytime, and anyplace.

Question 4:
How would you finally decide as the personnel Manager in this situation?
Training programme: A programme that has been designed to deliver training in specific skills.
As a personnel manager of AllCure Pharmaceuticals. And I want to select a best candidate between two applicants for assist clinical text and become the next blockbuster drug for the company. They require a very reliable, meticulous work attitude, but also good social skills to manage the different relations between the clinics.
One candidate who has good social network skills and another candidate who has some work experiences. As a personnel manager I want to select this candidate who has good social networking skills.  Because she can communicate everyone very easily and she can operate a deal with satisfying the customer.

Some arguments for the first candidate-
  1. Now a days, we are depending on internet so social networking skills are very essential.
  2. She would provide service by using internet. Such as- sending mail, by websites, Skype etc
  3. She is well traveled individual and this is the way of self-satisfaction and keep mind fresh. 
But she needs some training programme. Such as-
  1. Give her training about the job and give some knowledge about workplace.
  2. Try to attend her on the job because she has already good social networking skills.
  3. Why I didn’t select the second candidate for this job because-
  4. Second candidate is not interested about introduced new member.
  5. Social network is very essential for improve the business customer and communicate to their clients in easy way. But she didn’t maintain it still now.


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